"...When you run so fast to get somewhere,
you miss half the fun of getting there..."
(David L. Weatherford - "Slow Dance")

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Breathe... And go!

Few years ago (around 2010) I decided to open a blog, having in mind such an idea, of an Open Science. And now, three different pages were opened for unusual and greatest news in Civil Engineering. At that time I didn't know nothing about Qwiki. Even if my blog or my website is "a bit" far away from the magnificent Nielsen's ideas, I am really glad to find out that I am moving in a right direction. Even if I still receive (let's call them) "unexpected" critics, and just several years ago such information was... banned even by my university!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

DAPPP şi restu’ lumii

În România, WC-urile şi Palas-ul le găseşti foarte uşor, după miros; n-are nici un sens să întrebi, decât dacă eşti la o distanţă de peste 100 m de una dintre ele. Instituţiile publice, alea de stat, le identifici cel puţin după clanţele prăbuşite (sau inexistente) ale uşilor şi zecile de anunţuri şi de afişe lipite pe geamuri şi pe pereţi.