"...When you run so fast to get somewhere,
you miss half the fun of getting there..."
(David L. Weatherford - "Slow Dance")

Books, papers & apps (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Ed. Gh. Asachi, Iasi, Romania, 1995
(free download)
Ed. "Tehnica Info", Chisinau, Rep. Moldova, 2002
(free download)
C. Aanicãi - Advanced Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Ed. Soc. Academice "Matei-Teiu Botez" Iasi, 2005
Not available for download
Ed. Politehnium, Iasi, 2013
(free download)
Ed. Top Cad 3D, Iasi, 2014
(free download)

(Romanian & English)
(free download)

 C.I. Amariei - 101x4 (free download)
Ed. Soc. Academice "Matei-Teiu Botez", Iasi, 2003

In 2003, when "Tehnopolis Center" was built, I've been asked by the County Council to help them with a technical dictionary for less common words, because it was a contract requirement that all the documents must be translated in English. It was an emergency, and I've done it quickly, in about 3 or 4 days, but, of course, they forget even to say at least "thank you".

I hope that the above books and this small specific dictionary, too, will help not only the beginners. Your're free to share all these information and to use them for yourself, but, please, be careful to the copyright rules. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Good luck, and be the best!

Free presentations and software:
 Matrix method

Dinamica si inginerie seismica

 FEM Modeling

 Errors in structural analysis

 ATLAS_01.zip - Analiza biografica
(manual de utilizare si fisier test - versiune MS-DOS, necesitã un emulator)

 MATLAB files for nonlinear analysis
(shown in the above books Appendices) 

Scientific papers
In indexed issues
  • Cezar Aanicãi - Brownfields Manual – Browntrans: Capitol 6.3 – Financing opportunities for industrial brownfield regeneration in Romania, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, 2013, ISBN 978-80-248-3119-0
  • Cezar Aanicãi - Polystyrene strain rate effect at blast shock waves, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series I: Engineering Science, vol. X(XX) noiembrie, ISSN 2065-2119, cod CNCSIS 491 – categ. B+ (2012)
  • Cezar Aanicãi, C. Amariei, F. Schärf - Blast Loads on Buildings, Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, Seria Construcţii, vol. XLVIII, nr. 1-2, May 2002, ISSN 1224-3884, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (2002)
  • Cezar Aanicãi, C. Amariei, F. Schärf - Load Modelling in Explosion Dynamics, Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, Seria Construcţii, vol. XLVIII, nr. 1-2, May 2002, ISSN 1224-3884, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (2002)
  • Cezar Aanicãi - Impact Analysis on Buildings - Sonic Booms, Analele Universităţii “Ovidius” Constanţa, Seria Construcţii, vol. 1, nr. 3-4, aprilie 2002, ISSN 1584-5990, pg. 13-18, cod CNCSIS 32 – categ. B+ (2002)
  • Cezar Aanicãi, Al. Secu - Seismic Performance of a Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Water Tower, "Ovidius" University Annals of Constanta, Series Constructions, vol. 1, nr. 3-4, April 2002, ISSN 1584-5990, pg. 7-12, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (2002)
  • Cezar Aanicãi - Seismic safety degree evaluation of unreinforced masonry buildings, Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, Seria Construcţii, vol. XLVII (LI), nr. 3-4, 2001, ISSN 1224-3884, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (2001)
  • Monica Silvia Tatarciuc, St. Panaite, C.P.P. Neumann, Silvia Mârtu, Anca Vitalariu, Cezar Aanicãi, O. Ciobanu - Posibilitãţi şi limite în cuantificarea solicitãrilor biomecanice în structurile dento-parodontale, Revista medico-chirurgicalã a Societãţii de Medici şi Naturalişti din Iaşi, vol. 104, nr. 4, ISSN 0048-7848, cod CNCSIS 158 - categ. B+ (2000)
  • Monica Silvia Tatarciuc, O. Ciobanu, Cezar Aanicãi - Orthodontic stress evaluation in the periodontal ligaments using the finite element method, Revista Medico-Chirurgicalã a Societãţii de Medici şi Naturalişti din Iaşi, decembrie 1999, pg 202-206, ISSN 0048-7848, cod CNCSIS 158 - categ. B+ (1999)
  • Monica Silvia Tatarciuc, O. Ciobanu, Cezar Aanicãi - Testarea parametrilor biomecanici ai incrustaţiilor corono-radiculare in raport cu solicitarea suportului dento-parodontal, Revista Medicina Stomatologicã, nr. 5, ISSN 1453-1224,  cod CNCSIS 152 – categ. B+ (1999)
  • Al. Secu, R. Bliuc, Cezar Aanicãi - The Effect of Cantilever on the Flexibility of the Columns for Single Storey Industrial Hall with Mobile Crane, Scientific Bulletin of "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Section VI, Fasc. 1-2, 1997, ISSN 1224-3884, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (1997)
  • V. Burlui, Norina Consuela Forna, Cezar Aanicãi - Modele matematice computerizate de cercetare a tensiunilor din implant si tesutul periimplantar, Medicina stomatologicã, vol. I, nr. 4, pg. 69-76, ISSN 1453-1224, cod CNCSIS 152 – categ. B+ (1997)
  • Cezar Aanicãi, St. Jerca, C. Amariei - Nonlinear Analysis of Frames Using Ritz Vectors and a New Finite Element Formulation of Beam Stiffness Matrix, International Conference: Design and assessment of building structures, Acta Polytechnica V.36, no. 2, pg. 3-12, The Czech Technical University-Publishing House, Prague, Czech Republic (1996) ISSN 1210-2709 SCOPUS
  • Al. Secu, Cezar Aanicãi - Strengthening Methods of Old Wallbearing Masonry Structures with Timber Floors, International Conference: Design and assessment of building structures, Acta Polytechnica V.36, no. 2, pg. 246-249, The Czech Technical University-Publishing House, Prague, Czech Republic (1996) ISSN 1210-2709 SCOPUS
  • Al. Secu, Cezar Aanicãi - "Captive" Structures, International Conference: Design and assessment of building structures, Acta Polytechnica V.36, no. 2, pg. 250-252, The Czech Technical University-Publishing House, Prague, Czech Republic (1996) ISSN 1210-2709 SCOPUS
  • Al. Secu, Cezar Aanicãi - Numerical Procedure for the Estimation of Cold Bridge Influence Zone, Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, tom VI-XLI (XLV), fasc. 3-4, 1995, ISSN 1224-3884, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (1995)
  • I. Perianu, Cezar Aanicãi, Şt. Jerca - Spatial Static Analysis of Suspension Bridge, Buletinul ştiinţific al Institutului Politehnic "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, tom VI-XXXVIII (XLII), fasc. 1-4, ISSN 1224-3884, cod CNCSIS 44 – categ. B+ (1992)
In international conference volumes

  • Cezar Aanicãi - The Influence of the Mechanical Characteristics on the Restitution Coefficient of a 3D Block Impact, The International Symposium "60 Years of Civil Engineering in Iaşi", Editura Societăţii Academice “Matei-Teiu Botez”, May 25-26, 2001, Romania, cod CNCSIS 58 (2001)
  • Cezar Aanicãi - Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Large-scale Structures Using Ritz-Wilson Reduction Method, The 5th International Conference on Boundary and Finite Element, 25-27 May 2000, University of Oradea, Romania, Section 1, pg. 16-22  (2000)
  • Cezar Aanicãi - New Macroelement Model in Postelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames, The 5th International Conference on Boundary and Finite Element, 25-27 May 2000, University of Oradea, Romania, Section 2.2, pg. 29-33 (2000)
  • C. Amariei, Şt. Jerca, Cezar Aanicãi, F. Schärf - A Postelastic Analysis Procedure for Steel Structures, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Steel Structures, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26-29, 1999, vol. 1, ISBN 80-01-01963-2 (1999)

  • Olesea Nesterenco, Cezar Aanicãi - Seismic pounding effect of the extruded polystyrene in the seismic gap, National Symposium „Tendinţe actuale în dezvoltarea construcţiilor şi urbanism", Romanian Academy of Tehnical Science - ANCS, Iaşi, 20-21 noiembrie (2009)
  • Olesea Nesterenco, Cezar Aanicãi - Strain Rate Effect on the Structural Response at Seismic Shocks, A 4-a Conferinţă Naţională de Inginerie seismică, 18 decembrie 2009, Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii, Ed. „ConsPress”, ISBN 978-973-100-096-1, ISBN 978-973-100-098-5, Bucureşti, Romania, cod CNCSIS 252 (2009)
  • Cezar Aanicãi - Plastic Analysis of Continuous Thin-Walled Beams, Computational Civil Engineering, Editura Societăţii Academice "Matei-Teiu Botez", Editori: F. Păuleţ-Crăiniceanu, C. Ionescu, H. Bărbat - Iaşi, Romania, ISBN 973-7962-27-3, cod CNCSIS 58 (2003)
  • Monica Silvia Tatarciuc, O. Ciobanu, Cezar Aanicãi - Analysis of stress distribution in teeth and periodontium determined by orthodontic displacement, The 15th International Symposium "Balkan Medical Days", Iasi, April 28-30, ISBN 973-8173-02-5 (1999)
  • Şt. Jerca, D. Diaconu, Cezar Aanicãi, C. Amariei - Spatial Analysis of Tall Buildings to Lateral Load, The 3rd International Conference on Boundary and Finite Elements - ELFIN-3, sect. 2-1, Constanţa, Romania, May 25-27, pg. 124-132 (1995)
  • Cezar Aanicãi, C. Amariei, St. Jerca - A New Beam Stiffness Matrix in Post-Elastic Analysis of Frames, The 3rd International Conference on Boundary and Finite Elements - ELFIN-3, sect. 1, Constanţa, Romania, May 25-27, pg. 1-9  (1995)
  • Al. Dumitraş, C. Amariei, Cezar Aanicãi - Post-Elastic Analysis of the Reinforced Concrete Frames, The International Symposium "Constructions 2000", Oct. 15-16, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pg. 33-38 (1993)
  • I. Perianu, Cezar Aanicãi, D. Diaconu - Nonlinear Analysis of Bridges with a Single Suspended Span, The International Symposium "Constructions 2000", Oct. 15-16, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pg. 775-780 (1993)
In Romanian conferences

  • Cezar Aanicãi - Punct, radical şi de la capăt - "70 de ani de la cutremurul de pamant de la 10 noiembrie 1940. Implicaţii asupra fondului construit existent", Simpozion internaţional organizat de U.T.C.B. şi Centrul Naţional pentru Inginerie Seismică şi Vibraţii, Bucureşti, 10 noiembrie 2010 (2010)
  • C. Amariei, St. Jerca, Cezar Aanicãi - Calculul structurilor alcătuite din bare cu legături elastice la noduri, Revista Asociatiei Inginerilor Constructori Proiectanti de Structuri, ISSN: 2067-4546, Bucuresti, nr. 3-4, cod CNCSIS – cod 316 (1998)
  • Cezar Aanicãi, Şt. Jerca, C. Amariei - Vectorii Ritz în analiza neliniarã a structurilor, „Trecut, prezent şi viitor în teoria structurilor”, Ed. "Comir" Botoşani, ISBN 973 98720 0 X, pg. 155-160 (1998)
  • Şt. Jerca, C. Amariei, F. Schärf, Cezar Aanicãi - Analiza postelasticã a structurilor plane şi spaţiale ţinând cont de efectul concomitent al momentului încovoietor şi al forţei axiale, Revista AICPS - Asociaţia Inginerilor Constructori Proiectanţi de Structuri – Bucureşti ISSN: 2067-4546, nr. 3-4, CNCSIS – cod 316 (1997)
  • Al. Dumitraş, Cezar Aanicãi, C. G. Dumitraş - Aspecte privind calculul matricial al retelelor de grinzi in domeniul postelastic, Prioritãţi actuale şi de perspectivã în concepţia, proiectarea şi consolidarea construcţiilor, vol. I, Ed. “Vesper” Iaşi, ISBN 973 96589 1 1, pg. 133-139 (1996)
  • C. Amariei, Şt. Jerca, Al. Dumitraş, F. Schärf, Cezar Aanicãi - Aspecte de sinteză privind analiza postelastică a structurilor, Prioritãţi actuale şi de perspectivã în concepţia, proiectarea şi consolidarea construcţiilor, vol. I, Ed. “Vesper” Iaşi, ISBN 973 96589 1 1, pg. 1-9 (1996)

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